Cyberbullying Must Be Stopped

Cyberbullying is not a new phenomenon. Most people associate it with only elementary or middle school, but it happens everywhere. It ranges anywhere from a short and rude message to a whole group of people targetting one person. Cyberbullying causes serious depression and it must be stopped. With online education, it has only gotten worse. 

Cyberbullying can ruin people’s lives. One example of a life-ruining experience was with Monica Lewinsky. She had it all – she got onto TED, and she was a famous writer and activist. But then she fell in love with her boss and she got shamed into oblivion. She became one of the most harassed people in the United States and it ruined her career. But cyberbullying not only ruins celebrities, but also just regular people and students. 

One study has shown that during the pandemic, online harassment went up by around 31%. This is because when people are online, they are often anonymous and they feel like they can do anything they want. Many students will even bully their teachers. If students feel like they got a bad grade for no reason or even if they feel like the teacher isn’t adequate, they will harass the teacher or even make threats illegally. All that cyberbullying does is make the victims feel terrible, and it frequently gets the aggressor in trouble. 

According to another study, about 51% of college instructors reported being cyberbullied. Students who do this to professors can easily be kicked out of the university, but many of them do not know about this. They should be trained to deal with cyberbullying so that we can stop this plague in our country. 

In conclusion, Cyberbullying ruins many people’s lives, causing depression and terrible publicity. It has only gotten worse with online schooling, and it can happen to anyone. There are many ways that cyberbullying can be stopped, and we must implement them to stop this horrible plague.

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